Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A crazy beautiful thank you...

The human spirit is this crazy, indomitable thing. It's beautiful and amazing, and completely and utterly surprising in its ability to drag itself out of the mud, dust itself off, and continue marching towards some unforeseen yet inevitable future.

Perhaps more surprising is the ability of those around us to catch onto that spirit and to use it to rally for our cause, not because they believe in it, but because they believe in us. It's that spirit that allows us to rally around each other.

Yesterday, Garrett and I sat thinking, "How in the hell are we going to do this? We left everything we knew and loved to come back to a place to make things better, so how the hell did it get worse?"

What a difference twenty four hours makes.

It occurred to me this afternoon that for all of the joy and pain we've been through to carve our way through this life, those around us have laughed, cried, and bled with us too. We're all just trying to make our way and be the best part of ourselves, and when we fall short, we fall hard. It doesn't matter the circumstance. It doesn't matter the fault. We see it as an ending and never a beginning. I went back to an email I was sent a few months ago in response to my last blog entry and it took the breath right out of me.

"Some of the most devastating setbacks later on turn out to have been essential turning points that led me to a much better path...we all need to persevere, and wait for the truth to reveal itself."

In the last twenty four hours I've had these beautiful, indomitable spirits step in and offer anything they could of themselves emotionally or otherwise to help me keep believing that what can be imagined can be achieved. That when one door closes, if another does not open, I can and should kick down the door.

So I want to say Thank You to my crazy, beautiful family and friends. The love I have for all of you fills my heart to the very brim and keeps me believing in every epic and amazing thing we plan to do.

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